HF Transceiver H-Mode Mixer Module
this blog post I present details of my high performance H-Mode RF Mixer stage.
The H-Mode RF Mixer is a high performance circuit and constitutes as a module for my homebrew ham radio transceiver that I call the "Irwell".
The H-Mode mixer was designed by Colin Horrabin G3SBI with subsequent revisions published by Giancarlo Moda I7SWX and Martein Bakker PA3AKE. Full credit is acknowledged to Colin, Giancarlo & Martein for there extensive work and research on the H-Mode mixer.
The H-Mode mixer gets its name from the letter "H" depicted from the transformer configuration which resembles a "H".
During my research of the H-Mode mixer I came across an interesting article by Bob Burns G3OOU who used three individual NC7SZ04 TinyLogic high speed inverters in the squarer noting that the devices improved the VHF response and reduced power consumption above 50MHz